A Chance to Level Up
Someone asked in the “Life After Death” Facebook group:
Just wondered what people’s thoughts are on this…
After reading and listening to so many NDEs, it seems as though no matter the bad things you may have done in your life time, when you enter the spirit realm you’re pure and divine. You are shown your mistakes and any hurt you caused and you’re able to see this through the eyes of others and feel it as they felt it.
Therefore, those who believe there are evil spirits, how is this so? Mediums, wiccans and all kinds of cultures and religions use rituals and prayers of protection before attempting to communicate with spirit. If we all return home to our higher selves, leaving our bodies and all of our wrong doings behind, there should be no such thing as evil spirits, even though some of us have been evil in human form.
That’s a great question!
Personally, I believe evil happens when there is a lack of love.
The other side is overflowing with unconditional love.
As she mentioned, many people receive a life review when they first cross over. The purpose of that is to help them learn and understand love better. Create empathy and connection within them, so they see AND FEEL how their words and actions made others feel, as if it were being done to themselves.
Because spiritually, we’re all connected (even now, here on Earth). Everything we do to others (good or bad) we do to ourselves. There’s just a delay while we’re here on Earth; we don’t feel it right away.
But on the other side, we KNOW and FEEL our interconnection, and that whatever we give, do, or say to others, we are doing to ourselves. So it’s much easier to be loving and kind on the other side.
But knowing this, we’re *still* interconnected here and now, on this side. There’s just a delay and temporary illusion of separateness.
Evil is only possible on this side, because of that illusion of separateness, and because of a lack of love within them.
This world is like a dream or immersive video game virtual reality experience. It feels very real and intense while we’re here, but it’s actually just a temporary illusion.
If you’re playing a video game with a friend and then they do something to hurt or kill you in the game — it’s upsetting. But at some point, you’ll turn off the game and you’ll still be friends in real life.

“Real life” is the higher reality in heaven, where there is intense and overflowing love.
The physical world is a limited beta version of that higher reality, that allows for the illusion of separation, so we can learn about and master the skills of love.
If life is a video game, the way you level up and win is by learning how to give, receive, and create more love in the world.
Because when you become a more loving person, that’s who you are. That stays with you when you return home to the other side — and then we all, interconnected, experience EVEN MORE love, because you and I came here, played the game, leveled up, and became more loving ourselves.
That said, she asked about evil “spirits” specifically. There is free will in the universe. If a spirit wants to be evil, it doesn’t have to level up and learn about love. It can stay here inside the illusion as long as it wants and experience separation, absence of love, and be as evil as it wants.
They still serve the higher purpose, giving the rest of us opportunity to learn and practice and level up our skills in love. When we encounter evil here, we’re given a choice:
react to it with more evil
ignore it
learn/practice forgiveness and healing
use it as inspiration to put more love and light into the world, to counter-balance it
practice unconditional love toward that evil
learn how to love ourselves better, if evil was done directly to us
We all have free will. Some choose to stay in this world and continue being evil. But I think those spirits are just taking a very long, round about way of learning love too.
Eventually, hopefully, after enough time of being evil, they’ll realize that’s not what they want, and love really is the better way to be and go.
That’s what I believe.