Our Slices of Pizza
I was recently talking with someone about “my truth” and “your truth”. He didn’t like those words, because as he put it, there should only be one Truth.
I respectfully disagreed.
I said that’s true… but I also find the Truth is so big and vast, no single one of us sees the whole Truth.
For example, let me use an analogy. Imagine we ordered a pizza. Half of it is pepperoni, the other side is veggie.
We both take a slice from each side. I took the veggie slice. My truth is this is a veggie pizza. You took the pepperoni slice. Your truth is quite different. No veggies at all, just meat. Who is right?
We both are. We’re both experiencing different pieces of the same Truth.
We can be 100% right about what we know — and still not know 100% of what could be known.
I believe this definitely applies to Reality.
Someone once taught me many years ago, “only a fool thinks he’s truly wise.”
There’s often disagreement and debate about what’s real or what happens after we die. Is it an eternity in Paradise? Reincarnation? Something else?
Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if most if not all of what people believe and experience is real and true — but it may not be the only one option that applies to all people at all times.
“Why are we here? What’s the purpose of life?” I bet there’s no one right answer for that either. There’s possibly MANY potential reasons why different people are here.
Many NDErs, mystics, and other spiritual experiencers will say the purpose of life is to love.
Some say it’s create joy and to have fun.
Some say it’s to learn.
Some say it’s to serve and help others.
There’s other answers too. I guess the real question is, what’s true for you?
Which slice of pizza are you eating?
I wonder if my pizza analogy is true. Maybe it works for pizza but not reality. But at least for me, it helps me resolve some seeming conflicts about different spiritual “truths” that don’t always appear to agree with each other on the surface.
Maybe they’re all true — just not for everybody, all the time. Maybe they’re all possibilities and options, in a big, vast, and complex universe — allowing for each one of us to have our own rich, unique, meaningful, and flavorful experience of reality itself.
Which, if true, I also wonder if we can change our metaphorical pizza slice at will, too. If I’m tired of eating veggies, can I grab a slice of pepperoni next? Is that an option for me too?