Is Life Actually a Video Game?
This is just a random thought. Skeptics will say there’s no such thing as a “soul” because science hasn’t been able to detect or measure it yet.
But what if that’s on purpose? What if the soul ISN’T matter OR energy…? What if it’s made of something that doesn’t exist anywhere in the physical universe, on any quantum or cosmic level?
That way, no matter what happens to our body or world, the soul is always immortal and invincible. No matter what happens in the universe — or even if the entire universe implodes or all the laws of physics break down… the soul is 100% fine, because it’s not made of nor part of this 3-D reality at all?
To use an analogy, maybe it’s kind of like a video game. In the game, you create a character and run around in the virtual world, doing whatever you want. But no matter what happens to your character in the video game, you (the player, sitting comfortably on your couch at home in front of the TV screen) are safe and unaffected.
Even if someone powered off your computer or video game console and the whole virtual game world suddenly ceased to exist — YOU are still totally fine and separate from it. You might be sad or frustrated how your character died or that you never found a certain treasure or didn’t reach a certain level… but YOU are not the video game character. You are the PLAYER.
What if it’s something similar, between the spirit world and the physical world, between the soul and the body?