Spiritual Background
In 2003, I had a mystical “one with God and the universe” supernatural experience, that showed me how everyone and everything is interconnected and unconditional love is the most important thing in the universe.
I’ve been a spiritual explorer all my life, always seeking a personal connection and relationship with God/Source/Creator. I’ve been able to communicate with God and angels since early childhood, began developing psychic abilities as a teenager, and even worked as a professional ghost hunter as a young adult. I studied world religions, philosophy, and psychology in college and have a lifetime of first-hand personal spiritual experiences.
My mission is to help people build a personal, meaningful, and direct two-way relationship with God/Source/Creator, their angels, and their spirit guides.
I want to inspire, uplift, encourage, and empower you, inviting you to express your beautiful authentic soul, discover and share your unique talents and gifts, and live your highest calling in life.
Through sharing my personal stories and spiritual experiences, I want to help you learn, grow, be inspired, get on your optimal timeline, experience unconditional love, and live a life you personally find meaningful, enriching, and emotionally fulfilling.
Exploring the Spiritual Side of Life
I love exploring a wide variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics like near-death experiences, pre-birth memories, reincarnation, starseeds, Earth angels, meditation, energy healing, psychic abilities, and more. In my YouTube videos and online journal, I often discuss how these spiritual ideas and experiences can be applied directly, meaningfully, and practically in our everyday real lives.
Throughout it all, I also strive to stay grounded, practical, and maintain a healthy dose of skepticism, too. It’s easy to get caught up in really “woo woo” stuff. But just because something sounds good, doesn’t mean it’s actually real or useful. I’m constantly challenging my own beliefs and assumptions, and readily admit that I’m only human, don’t know everything, and am always learning and growing myself. We’re in this journey together.
To the best of my ability, I share what I’ve learned from my spiritual experiences and own personal growth journey with honesty and authenticity, but I also encourage you to think for yourself, use your own spiritual discernment, listen to your heart, and seek answers directly from God/Source/Creator more than any inherently-limited human being.
Ultimately, all my spiritual explorations and teachings are intended to serve one purpose: to help you experience more unconditional love in your life — from your higher power, angels, and spirit guides; towards yourself, other people, and all living things. And for anyone seeking and desiring it, I want to help you build a closer, direct, personally meaningful and fulfilling relationship with God/Source/Creator, too — who is the First and Ultimate Source of Unconditional Love in the universe.
As for everything else — it’s fun to explore and talk about and experience these things, but ultimately, love is what matters most.