Mystics are found throughout all religions, including (but not limited to) Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Or they might not belong to any organized religion at all.
Mystics seek oneness, connection, and a direct experience of the divine. They don’t just worship or pray to God — their hearts desire something so much deeper and more intimate. It goes beyond even just having a personal relationship with God.
Mystics — often spontaneously, unexpectedly, and beyond their own control — experience TOTAL ONENESS with the Divine. It feels as if they are God and God is them.
Mystics also discover that God is everywhere — in all places, and in all people — and that we souls are merely individual extensions and expressions of that Creator. The Creator is literally in each of us, not just “in” us, but part of us — or more accurately, we are all part of the Divine Infinitely Loving Creator.
Mystics will also often seen how all souls and all life throughout the universe are interconnected. We are one with each other, as well as God.
It’s a transcendent experience that temporarily dissolves the ego or sense of a separated self. And while intimately aware of our oneness and interconnection with God and all life throughout the universe (literally, not figuratively), mystics also often describe experiencing infinite, indescribable, overwhelming, pure and endless unconditional love.
A love that is greater than anything ever felt, given, or received on Earth. A love for all life, in all places, at all times, throughout the cosmos — for everyone. Yes, everyone.
Even you. Even your worst enemy. Even the most evil people in the world and throughout history. As well as the best of us. The kindest, most loving, most good people ever, too. And everyone in between.
This love simply loves. All. Always. No exceptions. No requirements. You exist, you’re a part of the universe, and you are included in that love.
It doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do. You are loved. Now and always.
You are a part of God, the Creator.
You are a part of every other soul in the universe too, and they are a part of you.
We are so interconnected and so loved.
If you’re seeking to experience mystical oneness with God and the universe, it’s my hope, desire, and intention to help you achieve that.
You deserve it. You ARE it.
You really, truly, actually are loved. You are also interconnected with God and all life throughout the entire universe.
That may be difficult to believe or understand sometimes. And if I hadn’t experienced it directly myself, I’d say this all “sounded good” but likely doubt or discard it as empty, feel-good nonsense.
But I did experience it. Spontaneously, unexpectedly. And it completely changed how I look at the world and other people.
Some people do evil and hurtful things. Their actions are bad, no question. But at the same time, I have to love them. Because there’s a piece of me in them, a piece of them in me, and a part of God in each of us. And I felt the incredible unconditional love that God feels towards all souls. Including me. Including them. Including you.
For me, the experience was fleeting. Overwhelming. Intense. Beautiful beyond words. But brief. My human brain couldn’t contain it all for long. But I’ll never forget it. And I’m grateful for it.
If you’re a mystic, or want to be, simply pray in your heart and ask, if you really truly mean it, that you want to know and experience God more directly, more personally, more closely, more intimately.
I can’t guarantee you’ll have a “one with the universe” mystical experience or not. But if your heart truly desires to know and experience your Creator and the infinite unconditional love your Creator has for you — simply ask. And seek.
God loves you. God would love to connect with you. God wants you to know that you’re loved — and wants to help you heal and feel that love once again.
It starts with asking. It starts with an open heart.
Your relationship with God will be your own. It’ll be unique and custom to you, and perfect for you. God will meet you where you’re at. Within whatever religion you may belong to (or completely outside of religion, if that’s your preferred spiritual path). Religion is helpful to some, a hindrance to others. Trust yourself. Trust God/your Creator. Follow your heart.
Gradually, comfortably, safely over time you’ll grow closer to your Creator. You may even know, understand, and experience God in ways I or other mystics haven’t. Each relationship is unique, special, personal, and beautiful in its own way.
But the love is the same.
For you. For me. For literally, yes, everyone. Even “them”. 😉 But that’s good news. Nobody has to be perfect to get God’s love. Nobody has to perform to earn or keep it, either.
You just have to exist.
Actually, you exist BECAUSE God loves you. The Creator joyfully decided to add one of you to the universe — and that’s why you’re loved. God could’ve created anyone.
And God wanted someone like you.