My Vision Board

My vision board for 2024 is done. I sometimes find vision boards to be really helpful. A couple years ago, I put some big dreams/visions on it, stuff I had “no idea” how it would come to pass… AND IT DID! The following year, I put even more, bigger goals, dreams, and visions on my…

Our Slices of Pizza

Our Slices of Pizza

I was recently talking with someone about “my truth” and “your truth”. He didn’t like those words, because as he put it, there should only be one Truth. I respectfully disagreed. I said that’s true… but I also find the Truth is so big and vast, no single one of us sees the whole Truth….


WHY > WHAT Message to myself today: If you want more love and joy in your life, it’s not “what” you do that matters as much as “why” you’re doing it. The same activity with a different intention or motivation can be a profoundly different experience. One way can be joyful, another way miserable. Doing…

Share Your Gift

Share Your Gift

Everyone’s unique. It’s supposed to be that way. Focus on your strengths. Who are you naturally? What do you do joyfully, easily, automatically, abundantly when you’re just being yourself? What are YOU passionate about? Those are your gifts. Just because something’s natural or easy for you doesn’t mean it is for everybody else. They have…