Growth Isn’t About Having No More Problems…
Growth is about having no more problems. It’s about having newer, better, and higher quality problems. (Look how far you’ve come.)
Growth is about having no more problems. It’s about having newer, better, and higher quality problems. (Look how far you’ve come.)
I keep a private journal that’s normally just for me. It helps me work through my feelings, sort out my thoughts, brainstorm new ideas, just vent, and more. But for some reason, today I felt like sharing a snippet of what I wrote. These are values I want to live by. What I believe. The…
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to one and all! For the few people who hoarded all the toilet paper and didn’t leave any for anybody else, Santa knows what you did. But for everybody else, thanks for being a good citizen. However, due to covid-19, the elves had to work from home, so delivery of…
Me personally? No. Here’s why: 1. As a licensed time traveler, I’m well aware that simply knowing your own future can and often does change it. Therefore this information would become irrelevent and inaccurate the moment I read it. 2. I’m not going to die. I’m immortal and eternal. My body, however, will one day…
I’ve been contemplating on my life purpose a lot lately. Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I’m here to add more love, laughter, play, joy, pleasure, hope, healing, connection, and creativity into the world. That’s my mission. Bonus objectives include:– inspire and empower people–…
You know, it’s so weird. During this quarantine time, my work has slowed significantly. It’s given me time to really think and reflect. Reassess. Decide if it’s time to let some things go, make course changes, or reaffirm and recommit to certain things. Prior to all this, I was honestly pretty exhausted from all the…
In a Facebook group I’m in, an 18 year old was feeling stressed and worried about school, work, and life. She asked for some advice and encouragement. I remembered being that age and worrying about those same things. I thought about what I’ve learned since then, and what I wish I could tell my 18…
Just a reminder, if you’re trying something new and hard, and you keep failing at it, it doesn’t mean you suck and aren’t meant to do it. It just means it’s new and hard. Everything is at first.
You’re wealthy if people like you. I don’t mean “like” as in people-pleasing, approval-seeking, or being a doormat. I mean other people like spending time with you, talking with you, being around you. They enjoy your company. They want you around. You’re a positive influence in their lives. If you have that, you’re wealthy. You’re…