What I Want to Say

This is what I believe in and aspire to live by, to the best of my human ability — and some words of encouragement I want to share with you: 1. Anything is possible if you put your mind and heart to it. It may not be quick, simple, or easy. It will likely require…

Guided Meditation: Pre-Birth Memory, Life on the Other Side

I just went through a guided meditation/hypnotic regression to remember my life on the other side, before coming to Earth and being born into this body. Prior to this, I’ve had certain glimpses, micro memories, impressions, and fragments… which I’ve talked about a little in some interviews and YouTube videos. But it was always limited…

Do It All Yourself?

Do It All Yourself?

I was just talking about this the other day. Just because I know “how” to do something and “can” do it all… doesn’t mean I *should* do it all. I need to stay in my zone of genius. Focus on my gifts and strengths. We all have different skills, talents, and interests. Even though I…

Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

If you’re stepping outside your comfort zone, it’s totally okay to feel nervous and scared. You’re growing. You’ve never done this before. It’s bigger than anything you’ve done or who you’ve ever been before. Fear is not the reason to stop or avoid it. Fear is the sign, the confirmation, you’re on the right track….

A Chance to Level Up

A Chance to Level Up

Someone asked in the “Life After Death” Facebook group: Just wondered what people’s thoughts are on this… After reading and listening to so many NDEs, it seems as though no matter the bad things you may have done in your life time, when you enter the spirit realm you’re pure and divine. You are shown…

Answer the Call

Answer the Call

Artists, through a medium of their choice, do one of two things: 1. They help others to feel and experience something new or different than they normally do. 2. They help others to know they’re not alone in what they normally feel and experience. Both are about empathy, connection, understanding, and universal human experiences. To…