I Need Rest

I Need Rest

My life came to an abrupt halt recently. I mean like an all-stop, sudden, hard, hit-a-wall, sixty-to-zero in 5 seconds flat kind of halt. It left me feeling very lost, confused, and a little scared. Here’s what happened: Go-Go-Go-GO!!! This isn’t the first time I’ve lived in Los Angeles. I first moved here back in…


I’m tired of hiding who I am so you can feel more comfortable. Life is full of diversity. I am a part of that diversity. Look out at nature. Clearly, God loves and encourages variety in how life expresses and experiences itself. That includes us humans too, you know. I get that you want things…



Everyone wants to be a leader. But few realize what’s actually required of a man or woman who becomes one. Leadership isn’t about calling all the shots or being your own boss. It isn’t about the status, respect, prestige, or fame. Sometimes the role comes with those perks, but there’s a cost. Being a leader…


Without hope, we have nothing. Life has its highs and lows, good memories and not-so-good ones. If you’re going through a low right now, I feel you. I go through them too. Take care of yourself. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself during this time. And above all, search for the hope. Find it….

Giving Up Control

Giving Up Control

Man, I am such a workaholic. Like seriously, it’s an addiction. I can’t — stop — thinking — about work! And not in the good way, like, “I love my job so much, I’m so excited, I can’t wait to do it again!” Ironically, the work I love doing (writing, acting, etc) is well enjoyed…

Manifesting: Pick 1 out of 3

Manifesting: Pick 1 out of 3

I’m exploring an interesting thought, around manifesting. I’m assuming by now you’ve heard of the “Law of Attraction” and know basically that you can “manifest” anything you want into your life, by getting clear on what you want, feeling it as if it’s already happened, then letting it go and taking intuitive and/or inspired feel-good…

Start Today

I’m feeling grateful right now. Just wrapped after two days of working on a film set. It’s baby steps, but I’m following my dreams and that in itself is emotionally fulfilling. It’s not about how big you get, how far you go, or how much money you make — the emotional fulfillment simply comes from…