If Someone Judges You…

If Someone Judges You…

If I’m just being my honest, authentic self and somebody judges or criticizes me about it — that’s on them, not me. Yes, I’m a little weird. I have quirks. I’m a dork. I like being a little playful, silly, eccentric, and goofy at times. I’m totally straight and serious other times. I’m an odd…

In Remembrance

In Remembrance

I just found out that a friend I knew in college passed away. We weren’t that close. He was more of a mutual friend, that I occasionally met and saw through other friends. But he was still one of my favorite people. He had a great energy, personality, he loved everybody… you could feel it….

Who Do You Want to Be?

Who Do You Want to Be?

If traumatic experiences made you stronger, kinder, and more empathetic, then everyone who went through one would turn out that way too. But we know better. Some do, yes. But some get emotionally stuck in their past. Some become victims or blamers. Some become meaner or harder. Trauma affects everyone, but in different ways. So…

Top 4 Wishes

Top 4 Wishes

These are actually all entirely possible. 1. Invest in income-producing assets (stocks that pay dividends, rental properties, etc). You can generate passive and portfolio income. It earns money for you. Actually, this is how the rich get richer, but they never teach this in school. We’re told to work harder or work more, to make…

My Message

My Message

So I’m going in for minor surgery tomorrow. Doc expects it’ll be simple and easy. But they may put me under general anesthesia. There’s a 99.9% chance everything will be totally fine, but in the 0.01% chance that I don’t wake up (and sorry if this is morbid; truth is, any of us can die…