Last Words

Last Words

Friends, nobody knows which day is our last. So just in case this is my last chance, I want you to know: I love you. It’s okay. NOBODY’S perfect. You’re good enough. Be kind to others. Be even more kind to yourself. Trust your gut, even — especially — when the “experts” disagree. You know…

Doing Nothing IS Something

Doing Nothing IS Something

In the stillness, in the silence, new answers and new possibilities can emerge. Sometimes, doing nothing can lead to doing/becoming something meaningful, something important. There is a mysterious power in being centered and at peace, neither striving nor seeking, not growing or becoming; simply being. Simply resting. Simply doing and attempting nothing. There’s a strange…


It’s an odd moment. One of those fleeting moments of enlightenment where everything feels so clear. I’m laying here, resting. And I can feel my heart beat. Beating, constantly, within my chest. I can feel it inside me. Pumping. Beat after beat. It’s strong. It’s healthy. But all of the sudden, I’m aware I’m mortal….

It’s Okay to Fail

Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly. No one’s born an expert, master, or with great talent. Everybody starts as a n00b. But if it’s worth doing well someday — start today, f*ck it up, do it badly… Just start. Just try. It’s okay to fail. Fail miserably. Fail spectacularly. Mess it up, screw it…