Do It All Yourself?
I was just talking about this the other day. Just because I know “how” to do something and “can” do it all… doesn’t mean I *should* do it all.
I need to stay in my zone of genius. Focus on my gifts and strengths.
We all have different skills, talents, and interests.
Even though I “can” do it all — doesn’t mean I should. The business, the vision, the dream will be limited by MY personal potential if I’m doing it all myself. But when I’m part of a team, each of us focusing on what we do best, together we can go so much farther and accomplish so much more.
Together, we are stronger and more powerful.
The myth of the rugged lone hero or super mom who can do it all is just that — a MYTH.
We humans are designed by nature to work together as a team. That’s how all great successes, victories, and accomplishments are achieved. Each doing our part — together, as a team.