Growth Isn’t About Having No More Problems…
Growth is about having no more problems. It’s about having newer, better, and higher quality problems.
(Look how far you’ve come.)

Growth is about having no more problems. It’s about having newer, better, and higher quality problems.
(Look how far you’ve come.)
I’m exploring an interesting thought, around manifesting. I’m assuming by now you’ve heard of the “Law of Attraction” and know basically that you can “manifest” anything you want into your life, by getting clear on what you want, feeling it as if it’s already happened, then letting it go and taking intuitive and/or inspired feel-good…
Here’s what I’m reflecting on today. I do a lot of things because I think I “should”, am “supposed to”, it’s “smart” and works for others, etc. But I do other things simply because something in my heart and soul just wants and desires it — whether it makes sense or seems practical or profitable…
Just a reminder, if you’re trying something new and hard, and you keep failing at it, it doesn’t mean you suck and aren’t meant to do it. It just means it’s new and hard. Everything is at first.
Friends, nobody knows which day is our last. So just in case this is my last chance, I want you to know: I love you. It’s okay. NOBODY’S perfect. You’re good enough. Be kind to others. Be even more kind to yourself. Trust your gut, even — especially — when the “experts” disagree. You know…
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas to one and all! For the few people who hoarded all the toilet paper and didn’t leave any for anybody else, Santa knows what you did. But for everybody else, thanks for being a good citizen. However, due to covid-19, the elves had to work from home, so delivery of…
Everyone wants to be a leader. But few realize what’s actually required of a man or woman who becomes one. Leadership isn’t about calling all the shots or being your own boss. It isn’t about the status, respect, prestige, or fame. Sometimes the role comes with those perks, but there’s a cost. Being a leader…