Guided Meditation: Pre-Birth Memory, Life on the Other Side
I just went through a guided meditation/hypnotic regression to remember my life on the other side, before coming to Earth and being born into this body. Prior to this, I’ve had certain glimpses, micro memories, impressions, and fragments… which I’ve talked about a little in some interviews and YouTube videos.
But it was always limited to just that — brief glimpses, fragments, and impressions. Not much detail. Not any sequence of events or dialog or anything like that.
I’ve tried to remember more. I want to remember more. And many times, my guides have informed me that I don’t remember more for a reason. If I knew/remembered too much, the contrast between this world and that world, my human life and my spiritual life, would only make things harder for me while I was still on Earth living in a body. So it’s on purpose that I can’t/don’t remember too much about the other side.
But still… I’m curious. Can’t help it. Recently I searched for some guided meditations and hypnotic regression videos on YouTube. I found one I intuitively liked and saved it to my watch list. I started this with an open mind and heart. Maybe I wouldn’t see or remember anything. Or maybe everything I saw would just be a product of my own imagination; nothing more. But if I was able to see, access, and remember some things… I also asked my guides to protect me and support me, and only let me see and remember what would helpful (or at the very least, not harmful and wouldn’t make my life any harder). I trusted them and God. And then got comfortable in bed and started the video.
I honestly don’t know how much of the following is “real” verses “imagination”. But just in case some or all of what I saw/remembered was real, I wanted to write it down. After writing it all down, I also decided to share it on my public blog. Originally I was just going to keep this in my private journal, but who knows… maybe it’ll help others somehow.
Without further ado, here we go:
Recalling Memories, Going Backwards in Time
The hypnotic regression took me back to random memories in this physical life, gradually getting younger, until birth and even being in the womb.
When being born, I specifically remembered how “cold” the air felt on my skin/body.
Further backwards in time, in the womb, I remembered (or likely imagined/expected) hearing my parents’ voices. But I already knew/expected that from something I learned/heard elsewhere before. It’s normal for babies to hear that. But I also felt something else, that I wasn’t expecting to imagine/see/feel. I remembered the sensation of “having a human body” — getting used to having arms and legs, fingers and toes, etc. It was new and strange, but also fascinating and intentional, desired, expected.
Then the guided meditation went even further back in time, to before I was in the womb, in the spirit world, on the other side.
Having No Form
I was expecting to see/feel myself in some “form”… and was surprised when instead I felt myself as having no form at all… and being rather large and expansive. Not quite the size of the whole cosmos/universe or anything… that was infinitely large. It was more like… I was a “focal point” (for lack of a better word) of awareness or consciousness, whose awareness “extended” outward in all directions for quite a large area. But also that was “normal” (at least for my kind/others like me)… and in fact, there were others with, near, and around me, overlapping each other in that extended awareness space; they were in mine, I was in theirs, and yet we were separate individual consciousnesses/focal points/intelligences/spirits/beings… individual, but also somehow connected in a flow and co-existing with each other in the same “space”… it’s so hard to describe or even fully comprehend in my own mind and memory now.
The World Around Me
I saw a group of angels flying by, and heard a lot of laughter and giggling. There was a sense that spirits here were always playful, joyful, happy, connecting and playing and dancing and singing together.
There was light everywhere. And lots of colorful “clouds” — more like nebulae — although, they weren’t literal galaxies or nebulae like we understand them in the physical universe. For one, they were much “bigger” — as if galaxies, maybe even whole universes/realms/realities were contained within them, possibly; I’m not sure — but they kinda looked like galaxies, nebulae, colorful clouds, stars, and outer space, too. All giving off light. All peaceful and beautiful and still, and yet, alive and flowing/moving somehow too. There was a “sense” of energy and movement all around, throughout the Universe (and when I say “Universe”, I mean something much, much bigger than the physical spacetime “universe” we understand and define here on Earth). And there was also an ever-present awareness of countless lives/souls/beings in existence everywhere and all-where.
My Soul Family/Group
The guided meditation brought up meeting my soul family/group at one point — and I sensed/knew/saw that there were “about a dozen” (exact number unclear in my memory) of us, and we were kind of like in a circle, and we would spin around each other/together, with so much love for one another. Just feeling and giving lots and lots of love to each other.
God Requests Me for an Earth Mission
At one point, “God” showed up — its presence and love and awareness was everywhere (a much, much bigger presence/awareness than my own consciousness/awareness extended, but it was kind of like that — just like I was in others’ awareness reach and they were inside mine; we were all within God’s field/awareness/expansion/coverage, we lived in it… but just like I had a specific focal point of existence/presence/awareness, so too did God, and that center focal point/presence came to me and asked if I’d be willing to come to Earth to help with something he was doing.
I didn’t hesitate. I responded with “anything for you, God” and “of course”.
We moved our focus and presence closer to Earth, but it was still a good “distance” away. Prior to this, Earth was like a tiny tiny marble or dot barely within my awareness, far far away, and just something included within the mass collection of “everything” in the universe. So it felt like I knew of it, but maybe I never really looked that close at it before, for example. Hard to explain. Anyway, we were closer now and looking at Earth specifically.
Knowledge was instant; it wasn’t “spoken”, but it also kinda was. “Instant full telepathic” is the best term I can use, but it doesn’t quite feel accurate either. There was two-way communication and connection between me and God, exchange of messages and ideas, but it was also “instantaneous” and “full/complete” somehow, with each exchanged thought or piece of information. There’s no lag or processing time.
God showed/explained that Earth (both the planet itself, which was living, and all the souls/people living on it) were hurting/struggling/needed help. God was actively working to help Earth and everyone/everything on it. But he needed some volunteers to have a human lifetime (or multiple lifetimes, if they chose), to have a body and be there in physical form, walk among them, be a human too… and do God’s work directly on and for the planet.
I was ready to accept my mission, but God also gave me a heads up. He informed me that I’d forget nearly everything about the other side (which to me, wasn’t the “other side”, more on that later). He said I’d doubt myself and even at times forget or doubt/question his existence. That I’d experience incredible pain, loneliness, exhaustion, separation, lack of love… but it was necessary for me to experience that while in a body, because that’s what so many people on Earth felt all/most of the time. And I needed to experience it myself, so I could understand, empathize, and relate to and actually be able to help them in a meaningful way.
He also assured/reminded me that when my human life was over, I’d return back here and reconnect/remember everything, that everything would be okay. But he wanted me to accept this voluntary mission with full knowledge of what to expect and what I was agreeing to. And to help me on my mission, he’d let me retain tiny memories and fragments and impressions from this side, and that he’d actively connect with and talk to me on Earth. In other words, it’s not a coincidence that I can talk with God or remember glimpses of the other side. We specifically planned for me to do and have that, because it was essential/needed to help assist me and support me and help me fulfill my purpose and mission on Earth.
Being Shown Important Future Relationships on Earth
He showed me my parents. And my sister. They’d be my Earth family.
He also showed me, later in life, my “soulmate”/wife/romantic partner… We’d have a great, beautiful, loving deep connection and beautiful relationship. I saw her in my guided meditation memory… her face, hair, etc… but can’t remember those details now, other than things like “she had hair”, lol. 🙂 So if I met her in person later today, I probably wouldn’t immediately recognize her or anything. Honestly, I think I was shown her in this meditation/regression more so because lately I’ve been questioning if she even exists and if I’ll ever get married. I think God (present day, not in the memory) showed me that pre-birth memory about her specifically, to help reassure me there was someone for me, we just haven’t met yet in this physical life.
Accepting the Mission
In the visualization/memory, as God was showing me Earth and everything, he also made it clear I didn’t have to do this, and asked me again if I still wanted to/accepted, knowing what I was signing up for. While I didn’t want to put myself through the trouble and pain, loneliness, suffering, separation, etc — from that perspective, it seemed doable, acceptable, and temporary — and so, so worth it. A minor thing, a temporary thing, a worthwhile thing, for the greater good.
I knew God wouldn’t have asked me specifically to do this, if I wasn’t capable and right for the job. He wouldn’t have asked me if the mission wouldn’t be successful. I knew I was safe, and no matter what happened in my Earth lifetime, it’d be a very brief temporary experience, and I (the soul) would be safe no matter what (even if the body might go through some temporary danger or pain), and as soon as my Earth life/mission was over, I’d return right back here to my Home. Whole, complete, safe, healed, loved, reconnected, etc.
Co-Creating My Own Life Plan
And since I’d be having a human life, God asked me what I’d like to experience and accomplish personally while I was on Earth in a body. I wasn’t sure, and had to start looking at Earth more closely. There were so many options! 😜 So many things I could be, do, have, experience, and accomplish.
My memory/visualization cuts off here; I just “remember” looking more closely at Earth and all the things I could do and experience while here. But I think because I’m currently living it, for my own protection and benefit (don’t want to accidentally mess up my own timeline), I wasn’t shown/couldn’t remember all the things I personally picked and planned for my own life experience.
Receiving Extra Support
In this memory/visualization, I also saw my soul family/group as I was preparing to “leave” and go have an Earth life. They all gave me extra doses of love and support energy. And the knowledge that they’d be with me and continuing to watch out for, guide, protect, support, etc me from their “side”.
“The Other Side” is a Misnomer
It’s weird… we humans say “the other side”, but from the perspective I saw in my LBL (life between lives) memory, we didn’t see it as “sides” — there was only ONE reality, one all-encompassing realm/reality/Universe — but within that Whole Universe, there were many planets, realms, areas, universes, dimensions, etc… The words fail me, but that’s the general idea. We didn’t see things as “this side and the other side”. There was only ONE reality, and all realities/realms/places were contained within it.
So I didn’t feel like I was crossing a border or going to “the other side” or anything like that. It was more like… “just going to a specific location within Reality, this little planet called ‘Earth’,” where I’ll experience being limited and having a physical form (and simply “form” at all) and temporarily wouldn’t remember a lot and temporarily would feel more disconnected/separated, not fully loved… But it was just a temporary trip, with a purpose, to one specific place within the Universe; that’s it. Part of that trip involved me “forgetting” and “having form” and “experiencing separation/duality”, etc. But that’s all it was to me, from that perspective.
There’s only one Reality… but there’s just many different experiences, realms, and possibilities to experience within that Reality.
That’s All I Was Able to Remember
… So anyway, that’s pretty much everything I can remember. I wrote this down immediately after going through the guided meditation/hypnotic regression.
Was any or all of it real? Just my imagination? *shrugs* Guess I’ll find out one day when I die, of course. But just in case some or all of it’s real, I wanted to write it down.
I sense a lot was “cut out”, for my own protection/benefit. I feel there’s more to the story, that I wasn’t shown or able to remember at this time. After all, I’m still in a human body, still living my life, still mid-mission. Earth life can feel really tough and painful and lonely at times. I feel remembering “too much” about “the other side” would only make things harder on me.
Still, I can’t help being curious. And I’m grateful for what I did see and remember.
Assuming any or all of it was real, of course. 😉
Maybe it’s not. And that’s okay too. It was a fun experience either way.
Here’s the YouTube video I watched for the guided meditation, in case you want to give it a try too. If you do, I’d love to hear what you saw, remembered, and experienced. ❤️