My Vision Board
My vision board for 2024 is done.
I sometimes find vision boards to be really helpful. A couple years ago, I put some big dreams/visions on it, stuff I had “no idea” how it would come to pass… AND IT DID!
The following year, I put even more, bigger goals, dreams, and visions on my board… and most of those DIDN’T happen (yet).
I don’t know if this is significant, but in the first one (where big dreams did manifest), my vision was for the upcoming year only. In the second one, it was more of “life overall, hopefully soon, but no actual set timeframe”… I wonder if that makes a difference.
So for 2024, I created a new vision board *just* for the upcoming year. And like last time, there’s some big stuff on it that I have *no idea* how it’s gonna happen. There’s some big, seemingly “impossible” (based on my current limiting beliefs & past experiences) heartfelt desires on this board. So we’ll see… I know I’ll be okay and still happy and successful even if those big dreams don’t happen… but at the same time, I really hope they do, too.
Some even surprised me. I wasn’t planning on adding them. But as I browsed through images to consider adding to my board, I had to be honest with myself. There were some things I wanted to include that I wasn’t initially planning on… Mostly because of those limiting beliefs and past experiences.
But vision boards are a connection with your own soul. You gotta be honest and true with yourself. If deep down, in your heart and soul, this is something you desire — this isn’t the time to be logical, rational, or realistic. This is the time to say, “yes, this is in my heart, this comes from my soul… I want this.”
Your job isn’t the “how”. Not yet. That’ll come later through following inspiration, guidance, and unexpected opportunities that show up in your life.
Right now, when creating your vision board, it’s about being honest with yourself — “what” do you want, and why. What would make you feel more love, joy, peace, hope, happiness, fulfillment, self-expression, and personal growth? Find images that reflect elements of that…
You’re giving your subconscious mind direction of what to aim towards. You’re writing a love letter to God or the Universe, requesting your heart’s desire. You’re having fun — giving yourself pictures to look at every so often that make you feel good, hopeful, and inspired.
That’s the purpose of a vision board. And I’ve just finished creating mine for 2024.
(And btw, in case nobody told you, you’re allowed to change your mind at any point too. This is for you. If later you decide you want something different, update your vision board. It’s that simple.)